Drawing a Cute Panda Using Turtle Graphics in Python


 Turtle graphics in Python is a fun and interactive way to introduce programming concepts to beginners. In this tutorial, we will create a simple yet adorable drawing of a panda using the Turtle graphics library. This step-by-step guide will help you get started with drawing and unleashing your creativity through code.

Getting Started: Setting Up Turtle Graphics

Before we begin, ensure you have Python installed on your system. You can also use an online Python compiler for this purpose. Additionally, Turtle graphics is a built-in library in Python, so no external installation is required.

Step 1: Importing the Turtle Module

Let's start by importing the Turtle module. Open your Python editor or environment and create a new Python file. Then, type in the following code:

import turtle

Step 2: Setting Up the Screen

Next, we need to set up the drawing screen. We'll configure the screen's dimensions and background color:

wn = turtle.Screen() wn.bgcolor("white") wn.title("Drawing a Panda using Turtle Graphics")

Step 3: Creating the Drawing Pen

To draw on the screen, we need a drawing pen. We'll customize its appearance and behavior:

pen = turtle.Turtle() pen.speed(0) # Set the drawing speed (0 is the fastest) pen.color("black")

Step 4: Drawing the Panda

Now comes the exciting part—drawing the panda! We'll break down the drawing into several shapes: the panda's face, ears, eyes, nose, and mouth.

# Drawing the panda's face pen.begin_fill() pen.circle(150) pen.end_fill() # Drawing the ears pen.goto(-50, 200) pen.begin_fill() pen.circle(50) pen.end_fill() pen.goto(100, 200) pen.begin_fill() pen.circle(50) pen.end_fill() # Drawing the eyes pen.goto(-40, 250) pen.dot(35, "black") pen.goto(110, 250) pen.dot(35, "black") # Drawing the nose pen.goto(35, 180) pen.dot(25, "black") # Drawing the mouth pen.goto(0, 100) pen.right(90) pen.circle(100, 180)

Step 5: Adding the Finishing Touches

To make our panda even more adorable, let's draw its eyes, nose, and mouth:

# Drawing the eyes pen.goto(-40, 290) pen.dot(15, "white") pen.goto(110, 290) pen.dot(15, "white") # Drawing the nose pen.goto(25, 180) pen.dot(10, "white") # Drawing the mouth pen.goto(10, 120) pen.right(90) pen.circle(100, 180)

Step 6: Completing the Drawing

To finish off the drawing, let's add the panda's ears' inner circles:

# Drawing the ears' inner circles pen.goto(-30, 220) pen.begin_fill() pen.circle(30) pen.end_fill() pen.goto(90, 220) pen.begin_fill() pen.circle(30) pen.end_fill()

Step 7: Finalizing the Drawing and Exiting

Lastly, we'll finalize the drawing and set the turtle to exit when we click on the screen:

pen.hideturtle() # Hide the turtle cursor wn.exitonclick() # Close the drawing window on click


Congratulations! You've successfully drawn a cute panda using Turtle graphics in Python. This step-by-step tutorial introduced you to the basics of using the Turtle module to create interactive drawings. Feel free to experiment with colors, sizes, and positions to customize your own unique panda design. This exercise demonstrates how programming can be a creative outlet, blending art with logic in a fun and engaging way. Have fun coding and keep exploring the world of Python!


import turtle as t # Set up the screen t.speed(0) t.bgcolor("white") t.title("Panda Drawing") # Draw the panda's face t.penup() t.goto(0, -100) t.pendown() t.begin_fill() t.color("black") t.circle(100) t.end_fill() # Draw the panda's eyes def draw_eye(x, y): t.penup() t.goto(x, y) t.pendown() t.begin_fill() t.color("white") t.circle(30) t.end_fill() draw_eye(-40, 30) draw_eye(40, 30) # Draw the panda's pupils def draw_pupil(x, y): t.penup() t.goto(x, y) t.pendown() t.begin_fill() t.color("black") t.circle(15) t.end_fill() draw_pupil(-30, 60) draw_pupil(50, 60) # Draw the panda's nose t.penup() t.goto(0, 10) t.pendown() t.begin_fill() t.color("black") t.circle(20) t.end_fill() # Draw the panda's mouth t.penup() t.goto(-30, -30) t.pendown() t.right(90) t.circle(30, 180) # Draw the panda's ears def draw_ear(x, y): t.penup() t.goto(x, y) t.pendown() t.begin_fill() t.color("black") t.circle(40) t.end_fill() draw_ear(-80, 120) draw_ear(80, 120) # Hide the turtle t.penup() t.goto(200, 200) t.done()

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